tankhughes has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 131 lists, listed 5435 words, written 1262 comments, added 0 tags, and loved 410 words.

Comments by tankhughes

  • The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom video game has the hero running through a destroyed kingdom that has been affected by an event called the Upheaval. In the last game, a similar event happened called the Calamity. My guess is that this word is being primed by all the people playing the game and that it will show up with greater frequency this year than normal.

    May 25, 2023

  • I truly thought this was a typo for memorize but it's not.

    May 22, 2023

  • vendingmachine Your annoyance at the term feels misguided. Ultimately the problem is the problem, not the word. Yes, unhoused can be used by people as a self-righteous identifier to appear more empathetic while not doing anything (like correcting someone telling their story, instead of listening to the message) but adding a new term to the mix can help refresh the conversation and is not inherently worthless or harmful.

    May 17, 2023

  • Good word to say.

    Double dactly like lexicographical https://youtu.be/J4VzuWmN8zY?t=65

    May 7, 2023

  • This is less subtle.

    May 5, 2023

  • Cute!

    May 2, 2023

  • This is a word. It's a plural of deep. It's probably not in M-W's Collegiate or New World Dictionary. It is a playable Scrabble word though: https://scrabble.merriam.com/finder/deeps

    It could use a tag like "non-standard" or "archaic" or "fantastical" since it seems it's mostly used to describe fictional caves or extreme deep-sea creatures and monsters that are "from the deeps." It's also used in the KJV translation of Psalms.

    May 1, 2023

  • oxymoron?

    April 30, 2023

  • WHAT. depth length width warmth

    April 30, 2023

  • capital B Brand

    https://www.tumblr.com/shorthistorian/715614494439669760 "not to be a Brand"

    April 26, 2023

  • Twitter end times drama.



    Blue checks originally verified a celebrity account vs an impersonation.

    Musk made them something people could pay for for clout.

    This weekend, Twitter started giving celebrities blue checks without paying for it.

    The celebrities are not happy about it because it implies they support Musk.

    Famous anonymous tweeter @dril was verified after suggesting that everyone blocks anyone with a blue check.

    Every time they change their username (normally "wint", @dril stays the same), their blue check is removed, so as punishment, @dril receives a blue check, then changes their name to remove it, then someone at Twitter gives them a blue check again.

    April 25, 2023

  • The B&B reminded me of a tavern... in like an innlike way.

    April 20, 2023

  • These are some good definitions. Good job, lexicographers of the past.

    April 14, 2023

  • Entering my villain era, my redemption era, my top era, etc.

    This was around in 2022, but was prominently used in RuPaul's Drag Race Season 15, further bringing into the cultural zeitgeist.

    My congenial era: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZBi4bJSLV0

    April 13, 2023

  • The need for touch

    April 11, 2023

  • Foods that are always considered desirable and safe to eat when nothing else sounds good (especially by autistic people who are sensory avoiders - classic example is buttered noodles.)

    April 11, 2023

  • Hiking where the point is to be in nature instead of an emphasis on pushing yourself for exercise goals.

    April 11, 2023

  • A new genre of tv/movies like Beef, Emily the Criminal, On the Count of Three, Palm Springs, Ingrid Goes West, Sissy, Search Party, and The Bear.

    April 11, 2023

  • oOOOOOo look at the pretty Visuals!

    April 10, 2023

  • I think it's called a phonological gap? It's a viable set of sounds/letters, but for whatever reason, no concept currently uses that vessel.

    April 9, 2023

  • This is how cats only make one set of prints - their back feet step perfectly into the impressions of their front foot steps.

    April 9, 2023

  • As a promotion for the upcoming Barbie movie, there are now templates where people fill in pictures of themselves, famous people, or memes with a "This Barbie is X" or "This Barbie Xes" captions on top like the promotional material posters. https://www.vulture.com/2023/04/barbie-movie-cast-posters-real-dolls.html

    April 8, 2023

  • This is a strategy used in unschooling practices and with PDA autism to provide potential activities for someone who would say no if you asked them without visual cues that it was already available to start. https://www.unschoolingmom2mom.com/strewing

    April 3, 2023

  • Fashion style. German for "layered look." Somewhat similar to Japanese mori girls.

    March 31, 2023

  • modern comical term for white people ( like Napkin American or wypipo)

    March 30, 2023

  • Post-modern Dada collage videos on TikTok?

    March 27, 2023

  • See lambast and lambaste.

    March 22, 2023

  • The drop is an EDM term for the part of an electronic-inspired song that comes after building up tension.

    Modern pop songs often build up tension with their pre-chorus to mimic this aspect of EDM, but now there are also songs that intentionally build up lots of dense production in the pre-chorus and then have a sparse chorus. That's called an anti-drop. This YouTuber uses it, and has a clip of musician Charlie Puth using the term in reference to his own song: https://youtu.be/ZWhmkpdgj74

    March 15, 2023

  • Term coined by Indiana Seresim to describe the pessimism that straight straight, bi, and pansexual women feel at being attracked to straight men - the hopelessness that comes from being attracted to your oppressor. (definition from @chillipolyamory TikTok in March 2023)

    March 14, 2023

  • Related: isogriv

    March 14, 2023

  • Pants also tent. As in pitch a tent.

    March 9, 2023

  • I mostly hear this in reference to drafting (like fantasy football drafts) where they do a serpentine draft to give first player advantage but not too much advantage. Where it goes 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 etc.

    March 9, 2023

  • PDA or Pathological Demand Avoidance is a subtype of autism where any demands (external, internal, self-made, anything) are potentially interpreted as threats to autonomy, threatening the person's sense of control, which their anxiety desperately grasps onto to navigate a neurotypical world. Others may view it as disrespect towards authority, but can also stem from activities they like, or bodily needs like food, bathroom, and sleep from themselves. It's not obstinance for attention, but a response to a threat to survival. https://www.pdasociety.org.uk/what-is-pda-menu/about-autism-and-pda/

    March 8, 2023

  • distinct anxiety, also called autism-distinct anxiety, is a form of anxiety related to disturbances in the comfort of an autistic person - being disconnected from their schedule, stims, interests, safe foods, preferred sensory environment, etc. Has something to do with amygdala size. https://neurosciencenews.com/amygdala-autism-anxiety-20054/

    March 8, 2023

  • nepotism baby

    The term has been around, but Jamie Lee Curtis has been using it. Just heard it again in the first 10 minutes of the Ruined podcast episode from March 7. 2023: Possession (1981). https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/23/entertainment/jamie-lee-curtis-nepo-baby/index.html


    March 7, 2023

  • lightbird25 It looks like Engpanish takes its sentence structure (grammar) totally from English, and adds the literal translation of individual endings of Spanish words onto the English sentence. Is that correct?

    \Also would Engpanish be Engpañol in the language itself?

    March 7, 2023

  • A derogatory term for trans people. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Troon

    March 6, 2023

  • I've heard this could apply to humans en masse since 2020.


    March 5, 2023

  • "it" used to be spelled "hit" (OE) but lost the h because it's so often in an unstressed place. (In reference to the list I added this to called Abbreviations that Start in the Middle.)

    March 4, 2023

  • Practical, as able to be put into practice as possible.

    March 2, 2023

  • Not disposal. Used for nuclear waste. https://www.energy.gov/ne/spent-fuel-and-waste-disposition

    March 2, 2023

  • Not disposal. Used in reference to nuclear waste. https://www.energy.gov/ne/spent-fuel-and-waste-disposition

    March 2, 2023

  • Short for gender neutral. Heard in a Feb 2023 TikTok. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRWJhGB8/

    March 2, 2023

  • As heard in a Feb 2023 TikTok, people pretending that they're stretching dollars, making bread and growing food because it's trendy, not because they're poor.

    March 2, 2023

  • The Amen break is a famous drum beat taken from a section of the 1969 song Amen, Brother. It is a foundational sample beat in house and jungle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amen_break

    February 26, 2023

  • When it's teen labor instead of child labor? https://www.reddit.com/r/WorkReform/comments/11awn0x/think_of_the_children/

    February 24, 2023

  • I think there's an existing "sounds edible but isn't" list somewhere that this should be on.

    Edit: found it, added it

    February 22, 2023

  • Is the phrase "to the extent practical" an example of a post-positive adjective like surgeons general?

    February 22, 2023

  • When young gay men called twinks age out of being a twink and there's no specific label they transition to (like cub, otter, bear, daddy, etc.)

    February 17, 2023

  • A strategy used by people in abusive situations to be non-responsive so that the abusive person will lose interest when no one falls for their inflammatory bait. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/grey-rock also called gray rocking, grey rocking, and the grey rock method because of UK/AmE spelling differences.

    February 13, 2023

  • This term easy water is one of my favorite videos on the internet - a parrot orders groceries (mostly strawberries) from an Alexa. https://youtu.be/IvnW89osj0g

    [big tofu' is another good one, but somehow, saying easy water like a robot woman comes up more often in my daily life.

    February 10, 2023

  • Presumably crows eat these?

    February 10, 2023

  • Not to be confused with a list of triple homicides.

    February 10, 2023

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinkeeping

    February 9, 2023

  • "Perhaps the choice is a form of atonement for company founder Cecil Rhodes’s unabashed imperialism, for the blood diamond scandals, and for the ongoing exploitation of miners. Call it sparklewashing."


    Like whitewashing or greenwashing.

    February 8, 2023

  • A lot of electric kettles have a bullet point list on their boxes with a list of features. Often, one of them is "cool touch bottom", that you won't burn yourself if you touch the bottom of the kettle.

    February 8, 2023

  • I don't think it's quite solidified, but with AI-generated text/art, human-created/human-generated is a recent concept that will eventually go on this list.

    January 31, 2023

  • Cursive is also a term for a particular indie pop singing style in the 2000s/2010s. https://www.acelinguist.com/2021/05/dialect-dissection-indie-voicecursive.html

    January 30, 2023

  • Updated FSAR, AKA, an Updated Final Safety Analysis Report. People seem to say this acronym as letters, and not as "OOF-sar", even though that would sound pretty fun and save time.

    January 27, 2023

  • Podcast host recently talked about the Lion King and Nala's "do-me eyes." Better citation forthcoming.

    January 27, 2023

  • From The First Nuclear Era (1994) by Alvin Weinberg:

    "I've always found physics to be difficult. I am not endowed with the ability to see immediately the essence of a physical phenomena. Yet by dint of hard work, I was able to complete my undergraduate physics examination at the top of my small class."

    January 27, 2023

  • a retroynm now that AI-generated art/writing/journalism is a possibility because of its normalization by ChatGPT and DALL-E.

    January 27, 2023

  • Overalls made of sweatpants material

    January 26, 2023

  • Got the plural of this as a #RandomWord. New to me.

    Green's Dictionary has it as early as 1965 as a UK term. https://greensdictofslang.com/entry/3vfhtqy#cp62q2i

    January 26, 2023

  • In power plant talk, I've noticed people pronouncing turbine the way I would pronounce turban. I say the 2nd syllable more like it's an endive combine harvester from Irvine. Maybe a familiarity thing leading to erosion? American Heritage pronunciation (below) says it like them, Macmillan says it like me.

    January 17, 2023

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Needle_in_a_Timestack This is the name of a 2021 sci-fi time travel movie. It breaks up the atomicity of this phrase, but it doesn't make it funny, or poignant, hay doesn't rhyme with time, it's not a before and after, and it doesn't expand the metaphor into anything more thought-provoking. It's just fucking stupid. A timestack is nothing. This phrase is nothing. Who approved this.

    Apparently it's the name of the short story from 1985 that the movie is based on. It continues to be a bad name.

    January 12, 2023

  • A paper plane is a cocktail developed in 2007, which is named after the M.I.A. song "Paper Planes" that came out that year

    January 11, 2023

  • I'm also counting smaller textile parts here - string, yarn, cloth, twine, rope.

    January 11, 2023

  • It's a short list, ruzuzu, I'm happy to have it padded out. I only knew of chiffon cake. A lot of cake textures on this list.

    I keep thinking there's a lace-based food, but I can only think of Queen Anne's Lace and drug-laced foods.

    January 10, 2023

  • Short for charisma

    January 10, 2023

  • Silk is a brand of soy milk.

    January 10, 2023

  • Not sure sponge should count as a textile, but it's tactile.

    January 10, 2023

  • I saw this used like shimmy, in the past tense "shinnied up the log to the shore" in a book from 1946. Not sure which is older or if they're related. At first I thought it was a printer typography error where 2 n's equal 1 m, but then we're still missing an m.

    December 13, 2022

  • candi-di-date reminds me of the song Down by Marian Hill where she sings that words "down di di down" a lot. https://youtu.be/cc9Wvfbt5Ec

    December 9, 2022

  • Who knows how long I was unmuted for in this meeting? M O R T I F Y I N G. mortifying.

    December 1, 2022

  • I don't just like contrastive focus reduplication, I like like it.


    December 1, 2022

  • A rare example of reduplication that isn't contrastive focus reduplication as in "Do you like him or do you like-like him?" where repeating the word denotes that the core meaning is the one that you mean. "Did you take a subway train or a train train?"

    November 29, 2022

  • Rhubarb is also used as stage whisper-type nonsense dialogue by background actors / ensemble to look like they're chatting but not saying anything. https://wordhistories.net/2022/01/28/rhubarb-theatre-nonsense/

    Oh! That sense is more thoroughly covered under rhubarb rhubarb

    November 29, 2022

  • Different from the fragrant powder chiksa

    November 28, 2022

  • different from Yiddish shiksa

    November 28, 2022

  • neurospicy means neurodivergent, from a post about facetious variants of autism - mild, spicy, extra hot like hot sauce.

    November 23, 2022

  • A fake movie by Martin Scorsese, invented by a Tumblr user.

    November 23, 2022

  • from pussy and bussy, -ussy can be a suffix for anything with a hole.


    November 18, 2022

  • I found "elongated muskrat" in Tumblr tags about him.

    November 17, 2022

  • Singer Rina Sawayama calls her fans pixels.

    November 17, 2022

  • I also found a variant - MeLon the Husk https://twitter.com/JeffAndDonkeys/status/1592910796123934720

    November 17, 2022

  • No David Bowie or Freddie Mercury song about this one.

    November 15, 2022

  • On Twitter, choosing to add a rat emoji to your profile name instead of hypothetically paying a subscription fee to have a blue verified checkmark under Elon Musk's new plan. https://www.newsweek.com/how-get-ratverified-twitter-fights-back-against-musks-blue-check-plan-1756456

    It's with a hashtag, but starting with a hashtag breaks Wordnik links?

    November 5, 2022

  • Seems like a blend, or caffeine + drug suffix.

    November 3, 2022

  • It's not the Blarney Stone and it's not Burt Wonderstone, but it's still quite wondrous and a stone. Can't find a specific picture of it online because so many other things are called wonder stone.

    November 3, 2022

  • circularity and circular design are used to describe the opposite of fast fashion - clothes made to be worn, and donated, and thrifted, and used, and shared, and worn again.

    November 2, 2022

  • you can "bake" (bake out?) residual moisture out of a reactor vessel https://www.pfeiffer-vacuum.com/en/know-how/introduction-to-vacuum-technology/influences-in-real-vacuum-systems/bake-out/

    November 2, 2022

  • I've been working on a spreadsheet to see if there are any patterns about languages or word formations that come up more often than others, but I think it's really the combination of sources that makes it hard to have strong reader intuition about how to pronounce any - meringue and merengue, quahog and quay, gnu and GNU.

    Sure, French and Greek come up a lot, but a lot of English words in total come from French and Greek, so those numbers would need to be weighted against the total number of loanwords each language family has contributed.

    November 2, 2022

  • Short for mental breakdown Maybe an algospeak algorithm avoidant term for talking about mental health without getting content banned on platforms like TikTok. A tweet on Oct 30, 2022 by @MiraGonz got 64K Likes and spread the term's use: https://twitter.com/miragonz/status/1586772633265135616

    Oct 26: https://twitter.com/demohaters/status/1585517583943483393

    November 1, 2022

  • Both of these definitions are great.

    October 31, 2022

  • Not sure what kind of list, but it seems like blanket statement and umbrella term should be on a list together.

    October 28, 2022

  • also called acronymic blends? acroblends?

    October 27, 2022

  • zucced or zucced = getting censored/banned anywhere online, originally just on Facebook. Short for Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook.

    October 25, 2022

  • 1. having too many zucchinis in a harvest

    2. being censored - short for being zucc'ed (banned for something on Facebook.)

    October 25, 2022

  • Leatherhead is also a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) villain who is an alligator in a cowboy hat.

    October 24, 2022

  • This is a snowclone from the 2021 Disney+ TV show Wandavision, originally "what is grief if not love persevering?" but it's still in use in 2022.

    October 22, 2022

  • Disney's Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow. (You know, that park with that huge golfball building and a manufactured lake surrounded by representations of many countries?

    Not sure what list this belongs on, maybe a retro futurism acronym list. Corporate hope? Something.

    October 20, 2022

  • PARFUME: particle fuel model

    October 19, 2022

  • Today, I was looking for a list of fictional backronyms like this, and lo and behold, it existed already and I'm the one who made it.

    Thanks 2015 me.

    October 19, 2022

  • Hello! Go here for API key: https://developer.wordnik.com/

    October 17, 2022

  • jjon it looks like that Wiktionary page was created in June 2020. So I it may be a "subset" of data that was pulled at a certain time, before then.

    October 13, 2022

  • Letheon is ethyl ether.

    October 13, 2022

  • From the Wikipedia anadrome list, MAPS is a reverse backronym of spam.

    MAPS (Mail Abuse Prevention System)

    October 11, 2022

  • What about god and dog when they are used to describe truly great and truly awful people?

    October 11, 2022

  • What about evil mirror versions of characters like Waldo and Odlaw?

    October 11, 2022

  • If we could find a contranym (like dust or table) that was a palindrome, it could go on this list too.

    What about gag and x? I found them on an autoantonyms list. https://www.wordnik.com/lists/autantonyms

    October 11, 2022

  • I hear this used in corporate settings like "we can end this meeting early and give people time for a biobreak before the next meeting starts."

    October 11, 2022

  • Aluminum Company of America is a clipped compound, not an acronym, because of the L. It's also probably taking the O from cOmpany, not Of. Al+Co+A

    October 4, 2022

  • NaNoWriMo is in November, but doesn't feature the name November. But it feels relevant.


    *grapping hooks away*

    October 4, 2022

  • HALEU is high-assay, low-enriched uranium. Pronounced like "hay-loo."

    October 4, 2022

  • What is a bleaunt? https://youtu.be/e3qwuMzzMTU

    September 30, 2022

  • I have smellfeast on my big list of cutthroats, but the example from "English Past and Present" brought me to a fun intersection of references and light thoughts about cutthroats that I either haven't read before, or it's been 10 years so it's worth reading their gentleman scholarly work again: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/20900/20900-0.txt Thanks Gutenberg Project!

    September 30, 2022

  • Seems Italian.

    September 28, 2022

  • I'm seeing a lot of typos for smart in the citations. Could the attitude definition from aurowra0 be a shortening of smarmy?

    September 26, 2022

  • I like that the metaphorical definitions from AHD show up first, and then Wiktionary's "plural form of banana."

    September 23, 2022

  • I think it's an American football reference, or a sports reference at least, about running with your elbows out to keep other people away from you, or to suddenly jut your elbows out to knock nearby racers out of your way. Someone who's not afraid to show their mercilessly competitive side.

    September 22, 2022

  • Some type of cougar variant creature, possibly originating on Tumblr.

    September 22, 2022

  • Verlan is an example of verlan, which is 'l'envers' (the inverted) inverted.

    September 19, 2022

  • In the musical version of Heathers, the 3 Heathers sing their villain song called Candy Store.

    "Honey what you waiting for? Welcome to my candy store. Time for you to prove you're not a loser anymore, then step into my candy store." https://youtu.be/BQOoTX1Nxx8

    I guess it's evoking how she (Veronica) could do fun, destructive rich girl shit (be a kid in a candy store) if she chooses their clique over morality, but I'm not sure why it's that specific image, which isn't anywhere else in the musical. Maybe it's from the original movie?

    September 14, 2022

  • When you face-tank in a game, it means your character chooses to open a door or box without checking, even though it may set off traps, because your constitution/HP is high enough that you're not worried that you'll die even if you get hit with the full blast. Other characters, like rogues in DnD have thieves tools and proficiencies in skills that let them check for traps and disarm them, but if your party doesn't have a rogue, or if you just have a particularly stalwart dwarf paladin who doesn't fear death, you may see the consequences of face-tanking.

    In video games and RPGs of all kinds, a tank is a common defensive class, as opposed to fighter (damage-focused), healer (group health-focused), or magic user (special abilities/buff-focused).

    September 14, 2022

  • A very hard hit ball in baseball (or other sports). Not sure of the meaning. I'd guess it's a missile that you hit the piss out of.



    September 14, 2022

  • It's bait for you to click on, it's bait that wants clicks. So it's either N+N or V+N but it's endocentric either way. Kind of an odd connection. fishbait it to catch fish, so clickbait is to catch clicks. THE MORPHOLOGY OF THIS WORD WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE...

    bear bait shark bait jailbait

    September 14, 2022

  • Things being "azimuthally symmetric" is a thing I learned about today.

    September 14, 2022

  • This is not the word guardrail, this is the name of a fictional character on an episode of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend who was very stingy with their cocaine. https://cxg.fandom.com/wiki/Guardrail

    September 13, 2022

  • like spinster and brewster as female occupational terms?

    September 12, 2022

  • 404 page not foundland

    September 12, 2022

  • How many non-living horses are there? sawhorse, hobbyhorse, high horse

    September 12, 2022

  • In improv 101 classes, yes-anding someone means accepting whatever element they add to a scene and then building on top of it to further create the world and its characters. Sometimes written as yes, and...

    September 12, 2022

  • Some kind of strange Tumblr moment about Sans from the video game Undertale vs the anime character Reigen in a Tumblr Sexyman vote that coincided with the death of Queen Elizabeth II (Sept 8, 2022). also #sansweep also #SANSWEEP (vs. #reigensweep)

    September 10, 2022

  • Oh! I missed this list by ruzuzu. https://www.wordnik.com/lists/dungeons-and-dragons

    September 8, 2022

  • I added dungeon crawl and dungeon crawler for you, bilby. I haven't actually done a lot of that in DnD yet.

    September 8, 2022

  • A TPK is a "total party kill" in Dungeons and Dragons or other TTRPGs. That means that the group (adventuring party) of player characters (PCs) was fully killed in an attack of some kind. Often times, one of two of a party will fall to 0 hit points (HP) during a battle, but another character with healing spells or a healing potion will bring them back from death saving throws and continue on their adventure. However, when all of the player characters die, and no one is there to resurrect them, it's a TPK. TPKs can result in the end of a campaign - like dying in a story, or they can be a temporary setback that resets the progress of the party, like a video game. TPKs can lead to player characters changing who they are role-playing as, or lead to a conversation with the DM about how difficult the battles should be going forward. Or they can just be a fun story about the time that everybody died because they went to the ominous deserted village, ignored multiple red flags, released the goats of a clearly evil woman to annoy her, and then were killed by that witch in a skull-shaped airship (for example)

    September 8, 2022

  • For this candle-hour, the scent is "fresh linen."

    September 8, 2022

  • Also referred to as eye bleach - when someone intentionally posts wholesome content in order to counteract doomscrolling.

    September 8, 2022

  • Well explicked, ruzuzu. Being a murderhobo is one way to play DnD, and is fine if it fits with the story setting and the player group. Some people want to play out a high-fantasy court drama, some want to shapeshift into bears and talk to demigods, some want to explore non-binary identities and creative problem-solving, and some people want to ruthlessly murder anyone they meet without real-life consequences. That last type is murderhobos.

    September 6, 2022

  • When a DM or GM applies the rule of cool, they allow a player character to do something cool in DnD (or another RPG) that isn't strictly what is intended by the rules/the manuals, but is such a cool idea, the DM wants to reward their creativity.

    September 6, 2022

  • not persnickety. tie-sicky.

    September 6, 2022

  • A murderhobo is a character in DnD who just wants to kill any NPC that they come across or have an issue with, because it's a fictional world and they know how to wield weapons and/or magic. The whole party can be murderhobos who never try for diplomacy, or it can just be one character who flies into battle when faced with most situations.

    The hobo part is because an adventuring party travels from town to town in a normal campaign. Their backstory isn't that important because they're just focused on whatever monster or corrupt official they run into and murder that day.

    September 1, 2022

  • Not sure when/where the original source is from, but a good explanation of this distortion of working to rule: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/seldo/694106680062001152

    August 31, 2022

  • Interesting that the citations and tweets don't use it for time, mostly for "quantities of about 4". #RandomWord

    August 31, 2022

  • I know thaumaturgy from DnD. I guess thauma is miracle, and this definition is trying to say "when people try to describe the wonders of the world, their writings are thaumatography," Writing about wonders.

    August 29, 2022

  • Not quite twit, not trite, not tweet, not thwite. #RandomWord

    August 26, 2022

  • Per https://www.wordnik.com/users/the_mighty_quinn, a mix of oblom and excited.

    August 25, 2022

  • Per https://www.wordnik.com/users/the_mighty_quinn, a mix of oblom and excite.

    August 25, 2022

  • Per https://www.wordnik.com/users/the_mighty_quinn, a mix of oblom and excitable.

    August 25, 2022

  • Very cool

    August 24, 2022

  • An aestophobe is afraid of hot weather.

    This appeared in an article about hot weather in Seattle today - it's on phobia lists but aesto doesn't seem to appear in other English words. Very specific. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/weather/more-heat-is-in-store-for-seattle-area-but-fall-is-just-29-days-away/

    August 24, 2022

  • Hey cirri, show me a nasal cavity.

    August 23, 2022

  • I would love to nap next to abear.

    August 23, 2022

  • An alternate way to say fungi to have it treated as an equal to flora and fauna. https://undark.org/2021/08/09/flora-fauna-and-funga/

    August 20, 2022

  • Note to me for later to look this up. I think there's a French cutthroat loanword that uses this verb.

    August 18, 2022

  • A place where you could put spent nuclear fuel, but no one has yet.

    August 12, 2022

  • blorbo is your favorite character from any piece of media that you care about.

    August 9, 2022

  • Doing your job a normal amount, not over-achieving. From

    an Aug 9, 2022 article: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/radish-radish/692057183537561600

    August 9, 2022

  • euphemism for bomb to avoid demonization on a MarioMaker speedrunner video game video: https://twitter.com/AnAnimeGiraffe/status/1471094373479763978

    August 8, 2022

  • hospital socks (provided by the hospital) are always grippy and sometimes fuzzy, depending on the hospital. (These are both: https://www.amazon.com/Socks-Hospital-Fluffy-Slipper-Gripper/dp/B09FHPMYYP)

    August 8, 2022

  • It's not a verb, but I'm pleased that SBD has the definition for "silent but deadly."

    August 8, 2022

  • OF can be short for OnlyFans.

    August 4, 2022

  • @vendingmachine a euphemism used online. also grippy sock vacation: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=grippy%20sock%20vacation

    August 4, 2022

  • Algorithm-avoidant stripper. Also skrippa.

    August 4, 2022

  • Nudes. Naked photos.

    August 4, 2022

  • phat ass white girl

    August 4, 2022

  • A clipped compound of Delaware County = Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

    August 4, 2022

  • People definitely spell murder this way now, but I can't tell if it's for fun, to avoid algorithm bans on saying murder, or just because they liked the SNL murdur durdur sketch, which was making fun of Delco (Philly) accents from Mare of Easttown. https://youtu.be/qaKZi6p6sxg

    August 4, 2022

  • This job title is used by sex workers (and others who don't want to talk about their jobs or can't for censorship/safety reasons). https://youtu.be/psCTNvhF9cE

    August 2, 2022

  • Time spent in a psych ward.

    August 2, 2022

  • I would think change course would refer to changing the ship's direction, not your location on a ship. #RandomWord

    August 1, 2022

  • Short for "kill myself", used by people to talk about mental health without being blocked or demonetized on certain sites.

    July 29, 2022

  • Oh! In DnD, Avernus is the first level of the Nine Hells. Good to know it's in Italy.

    July 29, 2022

  • Little Bear Winnie. Chinese word bans called "river crab" https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-china-blog-40627855

    July 29, 2022

  • Used to mean "men" some places online to avoid men who are searching for safe-space groups to harass.

    July 29, 2022

  • I didn't know about that Latin participle form! Now I want to go to onelook.com and type *ate and see what else pops up for this list.

    July 27, 2022

  • I think the tankhughes might cross the road because she felt overwhelmed about something happening on the side of the road where she was.

    July 27, 2022

  • neck gaiter makes me think of turkey wattles. I don't think this was in the discussion of WOTY 2020, but it shoulda been, as a mask alternative of people who have sensitive ears, or who only want to nominally comply with mask laws but just keep this around their neck as a scarf.

    July 27, 2022

  • I saw this term used to describe warnings for the cat-based video game Stray. The category included trypophobia (fear of tiny clustered holes), clusters, and parasites. Reminds me of the similar category of body horror, which includes too many limbs or eyes, limbs in the wrong places, and all kindsa gross mad scientist monster manipulation of what humans should look like.

    July 27, 2022

  • Sounds more like ASMR foot fetish terminology than a legit engineering measurement, but here we are.

    July 18, 2022

  • kabuto!

    July 18, 2022

  • Thimbles are so small! how could their parameters warrant a whole report section?

    July 18, 2022

  • Feels like a betrayment department in here.

    July 15, 2022

  • Maybe Jr for junior. Can be pronounced J.R., not quite treated like an acronym.

    July 13, 2022

  • New potential category: measurements. cm km ft hr GB MB etc. I don't know if I'd call hr or ft an acronym, but it's being similarly shortened into a 2-letter entity.

    July 13, 2022

  • ruzuzu I don't care how it's pronounced, I care that normally, it's larger phrases that are turned into acronyms, even if it's just 2 letters (HR for human resources, or PB for peanut butter, OJ, TP, etc) but these just kinda break up one word in a place where it's not immediately obvious that you could do that. TD for touch/down is kind of similar, but I can see that logic of breaking on the compound, where as I'd think tuberculosis could be abbreviated in a whole lot of other ways instead of TB. TC for tuber/culosis, tubey, 'culosis, t-losis. (It's a serious medical thing, so probably not too many nicknames, but still, other shortenings feel a lot more likely).

    And it also baffles me that this strange abbreviation method has turned into PJ twice. That's what kicked this off.

    July 13, 2022

  • State abbreviations do this out of necessity, with so many states starting with the same letters - AK AL AR AZ, MA MD ME MI MN MO MS MT

    July 13, 2022

  • These don't even necessarily break on a morpheme boundary, you know? On a consonant cluster. Maybe ID is different. I need more examples. Morphology is wild.

    ProJects PaJama TuBerculis IDentification

    July 13, 2022

  • "Going to the pond later?"

    "Oh fish-show."


    July 13, 2022

  • a dot fish

    July 8, 2022

  • Well noted, ry. It was a 2021 Word of the Year nominee. It came from cannabis culture - originally referring to "mid-grade weed", then expanding in use through hip hop and Black Twitter to talk about middling music, media, and celebrities. smoking mid, middest of the mid, it's mid af. It's featured in the upcoming Among the New Words part of the American Dialect Society's journal along with other nominees like hard pants and horny jail.

    July 5, 2022

  • Not that I know of, bilby, but there's a lovely song by the a capella group The Bobs about helmets. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SopKJlMvNkk

    June 28, 2022

  • RNG = random number generator. In video games, you sometimes have to depend on the "luck" of what item will appear in what chest, or when an NPC will appear in a certain location, and so speedrunners pray to RNGesus, that luck will be on their side. Pronounced R-N-Jesus.

    June 28, 2022

  • Are there dialects where would these be pronounced the same? (non-rhotic something?)

    June 23, 2022

  • The Nuclear Information and Records Management Association

    June 23, 2022

  • blorbo from your ads: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/kingkirkwall/687106166764011520

    June 23, 2022

  • vendingmachine how do you pronounce it? This is a new term to me, but based on quintet and bicentennial, that robot man's pronunciation sounds good to me.

    June 23, 2022

  • Check out the eggcorn database for more. My favorite is firstable for first of all. https://eggcorns.lascribe.net/

    June 22, 2022

  • An eggcorn I heard in a meeting today said during a compliment to a one-man team. Some kind of mashup with punches above his weight class or pulls his own weight. Not sure where belt is coming from.

    June 22, 2022

  • Sounds like a room where you give eulogies. #RandomWord

    June 21, 2022

  • Whoa! I don't want to look more into this, but I'm intrigued. #RandomWord

    June 21, 2022

  • OLS: Ordinary Least Squares regression. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordinary_least_squares

    June 20, 2022

  • Welcome pugnatio! The New Yorker style is proudly eccentric, with their use of the diaeresis https://www.grammarly.com/blog/diaeresis/ and their refusal to move forward at the speed of tech for things like Web site and e-mail. The New York Times is also slow to adopt revisions to their style guide. Maybe it's an East Coast thing.

    June 17, 2022

  • Standard Nuclear Unit Power Plant System

    June 15, 2022

  • Can you repeat that? #RandomWord

    June 14, 2022

  • Just heard this in a business meeting in reference to a group that is supposed to be advised, but this person couldn't think of a reason for them to have a demand signal for this document/issue. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demand_signal It's about the chain of notifications, and if someone doesn't care, why are they in the chain?

    June 14, 2022

  • IN rock climbing bouldering competitions, you get half points on a problem for getting halfway through the wall to the zone hold during your 4 minutes of attempts, and full points if you can maneuver around to the top hold as well.

    June 13, 2022

  • In rock climbing, when you match a hold, you have both hands on the same hold at the same time. Sometimes in competitions, there's only room for 3 fingers in a hold, but competitors still find a way to transition from one hand's 3 fingers to the others' to make progress on a boulder problem. In competitions, you top a wall (complete it) by matching both hands to the hold labeled Top.

    June 13, 2022

  • Also Nuclear Energy Institute

    June 10, 2022

  • All I can think of is the Bass-o-Matic.

    June 10, 2022

  • one of many nonsensical terms (often standing in for hell that became popular on Tumblr in 2022, partially in response to a ban of common tags in December 2021. https://www.makeuseof.com/why-has-tumblr-banned-tags-ios-app/

    June 9, 2022

  • In rock climbing, to successfully reach the top of a route on a wall.

    June 9, 2022

  • An affectionate term that Tumblr users for Tumblr, and sometimes Twitter users use for Twitter, in reference to changes to the interface, layouts, new rules, bans, and choices that seem to ignore and go directly against what users want from that site. https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/medeamybeloved/682632763736752128

    June 9, 2022

  • A very terrible 2007 movie written by and starring Jerry Seinfeld. Many memes about it, one of them involves making new cuts of the film - commonly in the form "Bee Movie but..." as in "Bee Movie but everyone time they say the word bee, it speeds up." The movie is mocked for many reasons, one because the human woman leaves her human partner because she falls in love with a bee (beestiality), who successfully sues the world for selling honey without the bees receiving a profit from it. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/subcultures/bee-movie

    June 9, 2022

  • A verb backformed from the 2022 movie Morbius, which was given the Bee Movie treatment by online users (a meme-rich bad thing), and misinterpreted by the studio as a reason to return the poorly received movie to theaters a second time, where it flopped again. The verb is not used in the movie, it's just based on the title and that the movie is bad and that Jared Leto (who plays Morbius) takes his roles too seriously.

    June 9, 2022

  • On Tumblr, a reference to plinko horse from the game Plinko. There's a gif of a CG horse flopping down again and again through plinko pegs. Users felt bad for the horse and now use it as a facetious example of animal abuse. Also used in a bouba vs kiki linguistics meme with blorbo and plinko replacing the original examples since both were popular at the same time. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/horse-plinko

    June 9, 2022

  • A fictional beloved character, making fun of fandoms latching onto random side characters without knowing much about them, or just trying to talk to someone about a rabbithole aspect of a niche interest: blorbo from my shows. Sometimes a Star Wars character, though another fake beloved character glup shitto specifically makes fun of weird Star Wars names. Created and popularized on Tumblr in 2022. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/blorbo-from-my-shows

    June 9, 2022

  • Internet meme verb based on the flop 2022 movie "Morbius" about a Marvel Comics vampire. From the new backformation verb morb. Sometimes with apostrophe as morbin'. Often appears in the phrase "it's morbin time!"

    June 9, 2022

  • ruzuzu i'm not sure, but I found carrot on a list of this flavor by sionnach: https://www.wordnik.com/lists/not-the-sum-of-their-parts

    June 6, 2022

  • An art prompt about drawing a different kaiju every day in June.

    June 3, 2022

  • it's an ice cream made with eggs and heavy cream? Often with chopped cherries, almonds, or crumbled macaroons (biscuits) mixed in. More info at tortoni. #RandomWord

    June 2, 2022

  • In board gaming a shelf jerk is a board game box that is not a standard size and shape (12x12 or euro rectangle shape), making them difficult to fit into bookshelves. (Example: a shoebox, coffin box, or a novelty cylinder shape.)

    See also, this list: https://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/140577?page=3

    June 1, 2022

  • Doing some hard pants research and found this. https://www.elle.com/fashion/shopping/g25602198/cozy-sweatpants/?slide=10

    As ELLE’s associate beauty editor Margaux Anbouba says about these pants, “they are your classic dad-style thick, fleecy sweat-pants material, shaped into a flattering, just butt-hitting enough fit that you won’t be embarrassed leaving the house in them.”

    May 31, 2022

  • Just saw this in a Starbucks promotional email - it's a category that includes silverware plus napkins, straws. Basically, they are no longer going to automatically provide serveware to customers - to reduce waste, you now need to ask for them. Looks like it would be a service industry term, but because of laws it'll maybe become more widespread.

    May 31, 2022

  • I've always seen it as bupkis. Yiddish as heck.

    May 31, 2022

  • In rock climbing, if you flash a wall, it means you get up it all the way on your first try - especially used in bouldering competitions.

    May 26, 2022

  • In rock climbing, this describes a hold on a wall that is particularly good to grab onto - like a jug handle. (As opposed to shallow holds, slopers, and other, less friendly kinds where you have to crimp your fingers to make them fit.)

    May 26, 2022

  • New euphemism. Class president Zander Moricz was banned from saying gay in his graduation speech, so he talked about his difficulties growing up in Florida with curly hair instead. https://twitter.com/JasonColavito/status/1528824713962786817

    May 26, 2022

  • GSI can stand for "generic safety issue" https://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/nuregs/contract/cr6762/index.html

    May 25, 2022

  • The dentist near me page is a pretty blank, but it has some nice stock photography at the bottom. And that phrase does show up in tweets.

    May 25, 2022

  • A power-based move in rock climbing, named after a climber named Gaston who was photographed doing the move. https://sendedition.com/what-is-a-gaston-in-climbing/ also gastoning

    May 22, 2022

  • Radical! #RandomWord

    May 20, 2022

  • different from superspreader, but kind of a superspreader. #RandomWord

    May 20, 2022

  • My first thought was that this was a card game term like a royal flush, then a term about somehow hitting the line of succession jackpot, but it seems to describe a fancy hotel room like a presidential suite. #RandomWord

    May 20, 2022

  • I don't want this to be a new word to watch for in 2022, but as of today it might be.

    May 18, 2022

  • New euphemism for white supremacist terrorist attacks.

    May 16, 2022

  • Interesting that the Word of the Day version of this page doesn't include the etymology or all the meanings.

    May 13, 2022

  • multiball + Paris = multiparous #RandomWord

    May 13, 2022

  • Has anyone named a fictional character Witch Ever? Kind of a satisfying name.

    *Looks like its the name of a Toronto band. https://witchever.bandcamp.com/

    May 13, 2022

  • secrete-d not secret-ed, right?

    May 11, 2022

  • Also called jaquemart or quarter-jack, but those pages don't have definitions either.

    May 9, 2022

  • I don't get it either, vendingmachine. Maybe it doesn't 'member either.

    May 5, 2022

  • Wikipedia: "Simcenter STAR-CCM+ is a commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) based simulation software developed by Siemens Digital Industries Software. Simcenter STAR-CCM+ allows the modeling and analysis of a range of engineering problems involving fluid flow, heat transfer, stress, particulate flow, electromagnetics and related phenomena."

    May 5, 2022

  • Ouvroir de littérature potentielle; roughly translated: "workshop of potential literature", stylized OuLiPo)

    May 4, 2022

  • discosauriscids and discosauriscid lead here but there's nothing here or at discosauriscidae. They are a family of stegocephalian/stegocephalous animals with spines from the Permian. Kinda pre-amphibians? #RandomWord

    May 4, 2022

  • AKA pouch of Douglas or rectouterine pouch. A body part I only know about because it inspired the title of Hannah Gadsby's stand up special Douglas. #RandomWord

    May 4, 2022

  • You always hear about dismemberment but not the status quo that precedes it. #RandomWord

    May 4, 2022

  • Not sure when this originated, but it's grown in popularity this year as a way to start a phrase telling someone "my dude, i must kindly inform you that you have majorly fucked up."

    Reminded by this variation from the Met Gala last night: "my sister in Christ, you chose the theme" https://twitter.com/ames137/status/1521244075370086400

    May 3, 2022

  • Picture with a buncha advanced reactor designs around the world: https://aris.iaea.org/

    May 3, 2022

  • One of my favorite Shakespearean fairies along with peasblossom and cobweb.

    May 3, 2022

  • Earliest citation I found so far was from the 1992 book "A Leader's Journey to Quality" by Dana M Cound. There's a section called "Skip Level Meetings" and this quote after it:

    "The executive should consider making a plant tour following his skip level meetings - after not before."

    May 2, 2022

  • starboard

    May 2, 2022

  • It's not a metaphorical place only, but some cool work by song pluggers got done there. https://youtu.be/S659j_PdSt0

    April 29, 2022

  • From the Gungan Star Wars planet Naboo?

    April 28, 2022

  • Salt made from fluoride, lithium, sodium, and potassium.

    Similar to FLiBe


    April 27, 2022

  • A #RandomWord from bridge affected by that Trump guy.

    April 25, 2022

  • Misspelling of holders in the quote below?

    April 23, 2022

  • When people get Covid but say they never went anywhere or were in contact with anyone.


    Been around since 2020, but the phrase seems more common now that many high-risk situations are not considered risks and many precautions have been removed. https://twitter.com/russellgburger/status/1241837901614182400

    April 15, 2022

  • Petition to name the next pope Sixtus, so there will finally be 6 Sixtuses.

    April 13, 2022

  • June 13, 2009 https://accessible-digital-documents.com/blog/justified-text/

    "On the web, soft hyphens (­ or ­) can be added manually to tell browsers where a word can be broken across lines. A soft hyphen will be displayed only when needed and, if desired, can be added multiple times to long words to give the browser options as to where a break might occur. The mark up might look like the following: hy­phen­at­ion,"

    April 13, 2022

  • June 13, 2009 https://accessible-digital-documents.com/blog/justified-text/

    "The problem for dyslexic people occurs because large gaps between words are more likely to line up above one another than are the smaller gaps typical of more evenly spaced text. When they do, readers may perceive highly distracting white patterns flowing through the page that can become more prominent than the text itself. The effect is known as “rivers of white” and it can make reading difficult, if not impossible."

    April 13, 2022

  • society?

    April 12, 2022

  • The book "English Ancestral Names" by JR Dolan (1972) is a great resource for these. 360 pages of surnames grouped by occupation, with historical context for what that work meant between 1100 and 1350.

    April 11, 2022

  • On the Neopets site, your Neopet could have a petpet, which come in different fantastical breeds from the larger Neopets. One was called a Noil, which was a cute, plushie-looking lion. (Noil is lion backwards.)

    April 11, 2022

  • Historically related list: hu-science

    April 8, 2022

  • Like a paper town that only exists on maps but not in the world, this is a (for example, nuclear) power plant/design that only exists in concept without concrete plans to make it a reality. Also paper reactor.

    April 8, 2022

  • ID Dentification

    April 6, 2022

  • https://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/basic-ref/glossary/source-term.html

    Source term can either mean a variable in the relevant equation, or the total result of that equation, which is also called dose consequence.

    April 5, 2022

  • The decay product from an isotope in radioactive decay.

    Heard the phrase "daughters of decay products."

    Does anyone have a list of potential band names? Please add that.

    April 5, 2022

  • what if you're hallergic to salt?

    April 4, 2022

  • The Girl with the Dogs TikTok/YouTube channel describes pre-groomed dog feet as Grinch feet, resembling the cartoon Grinch from Dr. Seuss. She often says "...I shave out their paw pads... and then I trim their grinch feet" during her narrated walkthroughs of her process with unique dog clients.

    Probably not an originator of the term but definitely a popularizer. Lowercase "grinch feet" appears more commonly in social media posts.

    March 31, 2022

  • The Girl with the Dogs TikTok/YouTube channel describes pre-groomed dog feet as Grinch feet, resembling the cartoon Grinch from Dr. Seuss. She often says "...I shave out their paw pads... and then I trim their grinch feet" during her narrated walkthroughs of her process with unique dog clients.

    Probably not an originator of the term but definitely a popularizer.

    March 31, 2022

  • I like PIOUS and TEARY to get all 6 vowels and PRST.

    March 30, 2022

  • This is a retronym compared to "dry" electronic signatures in digital documents.

    March 30, 2022

  • Oh, beknave! #RandomWord

    March 29, 2022

  • SEO people use this term. Also industrial plant people.

    March 28, 2022

  • I learned from a Gastropod podcast about an early version of chewing gum that people used to chew resin from the mastic tree. https://gastropod.com/gums-the-word-a-sticky-story/ (picture at link). So. The resin came from the tree name came from the French/Latin Greek verb?

    March 28, 2022

  • it means 3D printing.

    March 28, 2022

  • For more info, go to the lowercase infrangible page.

    March 28, 2022

  • A hacking group active in 2022 - causing Okta breach (and others?)

    March 24, 2022

  • In Season 1 of the TV Show Community, Pierce Hawthorne coins the phrase "streets ahead" to mean cool/ahead of its time, though it's just defined as "if you have to ask, you're streets behind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCktKQKXNWg

    People use "streets ahead" IRL in a joking way.

    March 23, 2022

  • When motorcyclists pass each other going in different directions, they tell each other if there's a cop speed trap ahead by patting the top of their helmets. https://www.motorcyclelegalfoundation.com/motorcycle-hand-signals-chart/ If they have no news, they just give a finger gun salute down low to say "hey, you on motorcycle too. nice."

    My other favorite brief connection gesture is city bus drivers doin a little two-fingers-to-the-head salute when they pass by each other on their routes.

    March 23, 2022

  • Yes yes! My daily move is now: Heardle, Wordle, Dordle, Quordle, Octordle, hope my brain is awake, do work.

    March 23, 2022

  • Wordle has made frequentatives productive again this year. Absurdle, Airportle, BRDL, Crosswordle, Dordle, Heardle, Lewdle, Lordle of the Rings, Nerdle, Passwordle, Primel, Queerdle, Squabble, Squirdle, Sweardle, Weredle, Wordawazzle, etc.

    See also https://wordnik.com/lists/english-frequentative-verbs'>https://wordnik.com/lists/english-frequentative-verbs

    March 22, 2022

  • Perhaps a lovely girl's name? #RandomWord

    March 22, 2022

  • I was also wondering that, yarb. I was going to make a comment about rolling a nat 21 based on what you said, but there was nowhere to do so.

    March 21, 2022

  • Puzzle constructors make a buncha puzzles in March through prompts.

    March 18, 2022

  • Search results are all about backgammon though. I don't know what that means.

    March 17, 2022

  • The GPO Style Guide says "An en space is used for all bearoffs or insets." Seems like a printer's term for an aspect of tables. It's under the Tabular Work section, and the subsection after this is called boxheads. https://www.govinfo.gov/collection/gpo-style-manual?path=/GPO/U.S.%20Government%20Publishing%20Office%20Style%20Manual

    March 17, 2022

  • QR phishing. Other variants: SMiShing, vishing, angler phishing, spear phishing, whaling

    March 17, 2022

  • FLiBe and FLiNaK are both written using the elements that make them up, but not in that order. It's not the exact formula like H2O.

    March 16, 2022

  • I only know about the demon raccoon... not sure what would happen if you were possessed by a demon chicken. https://youtu.be/iLxtPxIXH_4 (Demon Raccoon by The Zach and The Jess)

    March 16, 2022

  • maybe I should fuel a little down, but I still feel rad.

    March 15, 2022

  • This is my best recent Random word button find. You know, same thing as a cheese-pale. You get it.

    March 15, 2022

  • Welcome, pedroy! if you go to the staycation page, you'll find that definition there. Hope you see your contributions to word pages for many years :)

    March 14, 2022

  • Cooperation in Reactor Design Evaluation and Licensing = Co-R-D-E-L

    March 7, 2022

  • double-ended guillotine break https://www.osti.gov/biblio/6280449

    March 2, 2022

  • Uranium glass that glowed green (See Visuals below). So called because the Vaseline formula at the time (1930s) was a similar pale yellow-green color.


    February 26, 2022

  • ruzuzu thanks! I just started a new job at a nuclear power startup, so I'm writing down all the (non-proprietary, non-NDA) Manhattan Project codenames and diagram parts as I come across them and add them to my local Word dictionary :)

    February 25, 2022

  • vendingmachine looks like default is "by anyone" when you use the New List dropdown, but not sure if you build it starting from a word's page. You can change permissions under the list's Edit menu.

    February 25, 2022

  • maybe tokamak but maybe that's a Russian acronym. Don't know enough Russian morphology to tell.

    February 25, 2022

  • The 4 Drag Queens of the RuPocaLipstick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaGPyKFgZ9I

    RuPaul + apocalypse + lipstick

    February 25, 2022

  • Paris, Texas. Cairo, Illinois. Portland, Oregon is named after Portland, Maine. (Lore says it was almost called Boston but the other guy (Pettygrove, not Lovejoy) won the coin flip.)

    February 24, 2022

  • Gible is a Ground/Dragon Pokemon from Generation 4. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Gible_(Pok%C3%A9mon)

    February 24, 2022

  • Me an' pa going a-prefixin'.

    February 24, 2022

  • Comedian Michael Che, responding on Feb 13, 2022 to Kanye's instagram offer to pay him to quit SNL, jokingly says he'll only quit if Kanye fulfills all his ridiculous requests, including tripling his salary and "you gotta make beats for my band 'The Slap Butts'" That's a new cutthroat compound, baby. https://instagram.com/p/CZ7hNINpbUd/

    February 23, 2022

  • NOT a basement https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_island_basemat

    February 23, 2022

  • Is it an acronym or more specifically a clipped compound? I don't know Russian, but it seems like it's coming from To-ka-ma-k, not T.O.K.A.M.A.K. or T.K.M.K but maybe that's how you pronounce those letters?

    February 23, 2022

  • https://www.neatorama.com/2019/10/11/Humorous-Units-of-Measurement/

    "The Garn is a unit used by NASA to measure nausea and travel sickness caused by space adaptation syndrome. It is named after astronaut Jake Garn, who was frequently sick during tests and on orbit. A score of one Garn means the sufferer is completely incapacitated."

    February 15, 2022

  • It's a clipped compound!!

    January 21, 2022

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FLiBe

    FLiBe is a molten salt made from a mixture of lithium fluoride (LiF) and beryllium fluoride (BeF2). It is both a nuclear reactor coolant and solvent for fertile or fissile material. It served both purposes in the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

    January 17, 2022

  • you kick miette?!


    October 1, 2021

  • a retronym for jeans/slacks after people started wearing leggings/lounge pants/pajama pants during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.

    September 28, 2021

  • Twingo, a Renault city car (1992-present). The name was created from "twist," "swing," and "tango." Not to be confused with TwinGo, a baby carrier for twins.

    August 28, 2021

  • Term proposed by Fritinancy (Nancy Friedman) in August 2021 for three-part blends, itself a four-part blend:



    August 28, 2021

  • https://gulfnews.com/world/why-is-pfizer-biontechs-covid-19-vaccine-called-comirnaty-in-europe-1.1609318713481

    "The vaccine will be marketed in the EU under the brand name Comirnaty, which represents a combination of the terms COVID-19, mRNA, community and immunity, to highlight the first authorization of a messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine, as well as the joint global efforts that made this achievement possible with unprecedented rigor and efficiency, and with safety at the forefront, during this global pandemic."

    August 28, 2021

  • ooooo, related to oration, but not kyrie eleison (which means "Lord, have mercy").

    June 4, 2021

  • a UK pandemic word

    "Air bridges are a concept proposed by a few countries in Europe to allow air travel between each other without a two-week quarantine at each destination. They would ‘bridge’ the gap between higher-risk counties, and allow tourism to flourish.

    The plan will mean that tourists, for example, will be able to fly away for a weekend without having to stay locked in a hotel for two weeks at their destination. The same would be true on the return trip too."


    June 4, 2021

  • This is a clipped compound that came out of the pandemic meaning "hybrid-flexible", related to remote/adapted educational strategies.

    June 4, 2021

  • This is a proposed madeupical term for a word that, when spelled backwards, creates a different word like stop and pots or stressed and desserts.

    Levi- is eponymous for the kid creator of the term, and -drome is from palindrome.


    June 3, 2021

  • From @HaggardHawks on Twitter today: A TEDIFEROUS statue is one carrying a torch.

    May 22, 2021

  • "it" used to be spelled "hit" (OE) but lost the h because it's so often in an unstressed place.

    April 28, 2021

  • New term to me. Can describe nonbinary attraction/relationships.


    -trix from the Latin fem. suffix, -tor from the Latin masc. suffix.

    April 27, 2021

  • New term to me. Can describe nonbinary attraction/relationships.


    -trix from the Latin fem. suffix, -tor from the Latin masc. suffix.

    April 27, 2021

  • If you have h-dropping (aitch- dropping) like in a Cockney type dialect, can add highway (why), hallway (wall), hooray (rue), holiday (dolly), headway (wed), and hearsay (sear).

    April 15, 2021

  • Idiom meaning that two things will not mix together (without agitation) https://cee.mit.edu/eric-adams-wins-the-ig-nobel-prize-in-chemistry/

    January 21, 2021

  • This is a minced oath. For... Jesus Christ I think?

    January 21, 2021

  • @tankhughes it's kuh-thonic, so I think it counts.

    January 21, 2021

  • Seersucker means milk and sugar, referring to the opposing visuals and textures of the two stripes in seersucker fabric.

    January 21, 2021

  • Hmm, I'm trying to figure out the difference between this and a tautological compound: https://twitter.com/HaggardHawks/status/1338982875090329602

    December 16, 2020

  • Well now I'm confused. On Etymonline, it said the Ygg part was Odin, and drasil was horse. Here it says it's terrible + hanging tree. Oof. What's going on here?

    December 3, 2020

  • chthonic seems to just totally omit the ch part?

    June 18, 2020

  • rh(oea) means to flow in Greek. Also Greek: myrrh, rhotic, catarrh

    A lot of rh- words are German.

    And then a boatload of English compounds cuz gosh I love compounds.

    June 18, 2020

  • The letters that stand on their own are: B C F H I K O N P S U V W Y

    the words i made with those are:













    Greek letters: CHI KSI NU PHI PI PSI

    May 31, 2020

  • Mrs. Tiggywinkle

    April 13, 2020

  • Just know that I love priming, and YARD SARD is such a sweet simple example of it when people try to write YARD SALE in big block letters. Two four letter words back to back with an A in the 2nd place somehow leads to a lot of fun variants: https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1274514-alignment-charts

    October 25, 2019

  • "Where the hell my phone? Where the hell my phone? Where the hell my Where the hell my phone? How I'm 'pose to get home?" - Phone by Lizzo

    (short for suppose)

    August 22, 2019

  • I've only seen this as PEBKAC but this makes sense as a variation.

    July 31, 2019

  • Pretty fantastic that Word with a capital W means the Bible, the Word of God, or Microsoft Word XD

    July 17, 2019

  • I need to add words from episode 91 - 101 but I'm having permissions issue with pages I made as tankhughes vs TankHughes right now.

    Words to add: quillet, liripipe (liripoop), floruit, thridace, cancrine, ostrakon (ostracon), almacantar (almucantar), embouchure, scytale, halteres, purfle, utricle

    June 29, 2019

  • I think rage is a noun here, though I originally thought it could go on my verb-verb list. (https://www.wordnik.com/lists/verb-verbs. The only other similar emotion-verb compound I can think of right now is gladhanding.

    June 26, 2019

  • https://medium.com/@ChrisMcQueer/class-fd36e8dc35ad

    Scottish writer Chris McQueer used it in a piece called Class:

    "My upbringing has made it easier for me to have a bit of a brass neck and shout about my work when some other writers might feel it’s a bit crass or a bit of a riddy."

    June 4, 2019

  • LuLaRoe is a clothing company named after 3 granddaughters: Lucy, Lola, and Monroe. The company is pyramid scheme-adjacent: https://youtu.be/L6eujSJ0-RU

    May 31, 2019

  • Remind me to add category fight when I can.

    May 29, 2019

  • Help! is a 1965 movie starring the Beatles.

    May 12, 2019

  • First!

    This is a capitonym for internet comment pride. I couldn't be first on first or this, but heck yeah I"m first on First.

    Who's on First? ME.

    April 15, 2019

  • Awwww, I just saw the first comment for this and I thought I could be "First! on first, but no.

    April 15, 2019

  • According to @HaggardHawks on April 11, 2019, a pomary is an orchard or an apple grove.

    April 12, 2019

  • Canola is "Canada oil, low acid" ?!

    November 8, 2018

  • I really like duckshake milk as as the reverse. It's a stupid fun concept.

    November 8, 2018

  • In reference to the meme Moon Moon, the stupidest possible wolf. It came from a name generator in which you use your first and last initial to create your "werewolf name" and people with the initials "PW" would get Moon Moon as the full name. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/moon-moon

    November 1, 2018

  • Related: space idioms: https://twitter.com/E_Briannica/status/1057003921904812032

    October 29, 2018

  • Surprisingly easy to say. Something like... yolladiffeyediv.yolladoveifeyedove.

    October 24, 2018

  • I learned this term from this video of comedian Paul F Tompkins as Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber doing audio commentary for the 1925 silent film version of the Phantom of the Opera. http://paulftompkins.com/post/178657191289/paul-f-tompkinss-andrew-lloyd-webbers-the

    Starting around 1hour 19 minutes in this video, he doesn't know what barouche means when it comes up in the title card, so he uses it in every possibly context.

    October 3, 2018

  • I love you, qms.

    September 26, 2018

  • I don't know this term. Palabra means word in Spanish. A place for words?

    August 28, 2018

  • https://youtu.be/wb29-ULRBaE

    "A device for generating a meandering motion."

    July 16, 2018

  • This is a translation of raccoon in several languages.

    I like it because someone suggested to me that it might be a cutthroat compound.

    Tragically, it's not the case. It's a bear-type animal known for washing its food (see sad video of raccoon waashing cotton candy and having it disappear :( ).

    I wish. I WISH. it were an animal who washed bears, but it's not. Only then would it be a cutthroat construction.

    July 12, 2018

  • This really makes my iliac furrow.

    July 6, 2018

  • The literature examples on this page seem to be about the equivalent of a trailhead and the tweets are about blowjobs in a car (moving or not moving). I don't see examples of either on road head with a space.

    July 6, 2018

  • My tired good friend just posited that jackalope = jackfruit + cantaloupe.

    May 11, 2018

  • Are you a [honetically misparsed French word that became a cutthroat in English? I hope so, cutttoe. (See Example)

    April 16, 2018

  • "The name "Makaton" is derived from the first letters of the names of three speech and language therapists who helped devise the programme in the 1970s: the researcher Margaret Walker, and Katharine Johnston and Tony Cornforth, colleagues from the Royal Association for Deaf people.4" - Makaton Wikipedia page.

    March 8, 2018

  • Euphemism for penis.

    February 26, 2018

  • stop, opts, pots, post.

    This goes through my head at most stop signs.

    February 6, 2018

  • This originally came from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode A New Man (2000). Fourth season, twelfth episode.


    Professor Maggie Walsh: So, the Slayer!

    Buffy: Yeah. That's me.

    Professor Maggie Walsh: We thought you were a myth.

    Buffy: Well, you were myth-taken

    January 29, 2018

  • On pg 28 of this surname book, the footnote says "Popkiss may be derived from some " nurse name in the same way."

    English Surnames: An Essay on Family Nomenclature, Historical ..., Volume 2

    By Mark Antony Lowe


    I don't know why the quotation mark is used before nurse name and I don't know what nurse name means and googling it just gets me a list of famous nurses.

    January 24, 2018

  • Twitter released a statement about not blocking or deleting world leader accounts. January 5, 2018:

    "Elected world leaders play a critical role in that conversation because of their outsized impact on our society."


    January 5, 2018

  • You're the best, qms.

    January 2, 2018

  • http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html January 2018

    "Q. In the early 1930s, my grandmother won a citywide crossword puzzle contest in New York City, earning the $1,000 prize at a time when money was tight. The winning word was qobar, a word that no longer appears in even unabridged dictionaries. Once a word is a word, isn’t it always a word?

    A. Yes. But so far, there has never been a dictionary that listed all the words. There are too many words! One of the standards that lexicographers use when deciding which words to delete to make way for new ones is whether a word is actually used very often in a meaningful way. At least one online dictionary, Wordnik, has a goal of listing all the words available. Qobar isn’t listed there yet—maybe you should send it!"

    January 2, 2018

  • https://thebaffler.com/salvos/the-globalized-jitters-penny Nov 2017

    "The gurning batrachian monster that crawled out of the mordant id of mass society to squat in the Oval Office was a symptom of our collective neurosis before he was a cause."

    November 28, 2017

  • https://thebaffler.com/salvos/the-globalized-jitters-penny

    Nov 2017
    "The gurning batrachian monster that crawled out of the mordant id of mass society to squat in the Oval Office was a symptom of our collective neurosis before he was a cause."

    November 28, 2017

  • Used by @zinziclemmons in a Nov 19 2017 tweet to describe Lena Dunham and people in her social circles who use sarcasm to cover up racism.

    Tweet: https://twitter.com/zinziclemmons/status/932200880975286273

    November 21, 2017

  • "Ashes 2015: 'It's Pomicide' - world reacts to Australia's collapse"

    Australia cricket team was trounced by British but I don't get the pomicide reference.

    October 25, 2017

  • NOT my last name but pretty close.

    Brain hugeous.

    September 19, 2017

  • This is covered more on the singular taint page, but taints could mean 3 things:

    Verb: to taint, to poison, to sully

    Noun: body part: skin between genitals and anus (perimneum). (Possibly from contraction meaning).

    Contraction: it ain't. "'taint what you do, it's the way that you do it."

    September 12, 2017

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  • I'm referring to your message to word_geek.

    February 12, 2024

  • So interesting, Tank. Tell me more. Seriously.

    February 12, 2024

  • Sorry about the condiment incident.

    October 28, 2015

  • Bilby has been known to talk to himself, but this time he was talking to me. My comment page is experiencing a 404 bad ketchup gateway moment.

    April 27, 2015

  • who's my little paleoverbologist? <3

    May 12, 2011

  • Your tags are amazing. I adore the periodic symbol words.

    November 7, 2010

  • We're up to a thousand different consonant-vowel patterns now, tagged convowel.

    March 5, 2010

  • Have you figured out how many different consonant-vowel patterns are possible? I've found representatives for a couple of dozen more patterns. Your tag for descriptive missed the last vowel (assuming it's yours).

    I've tagged vowel patterns in lots of words over the last couple of years. See the list descriptions for Panvocalics, Panvocalic euryvocalic, Monovocalics, and Double diphthongs etc. Let me know if you find any errors with my tags.

    OneLook might help your search for other patterns, such as words with bh.

    February 16, 2010

  • Wow, thanks! Right now I have the time to contribute here and it amuses me. Thanks for the heads up on the error, I'm definitely human. I have a blog that, among other things, tracks the silly tags I've been adding on wordnik: http://tankhughes.blogspot.com/search/label/wordnik

    February 14, 2010

  • Hi Bri,

    Love the consonant-vowel tagging! You've covered a lot of ground. I've been adding a few of the odder patterns. There's an extra c in your tag for down.

    February 14, 2010