
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun An organized public procession on a festive or ceremonial occasion.
  • noun The participants in such a procession.
  • noun A regular place of assembly for reviews of troops.
  • noun A formal review of marching military troops.
  • noun The troops taking part in such a review.
  • noun A line or extended group of moving persons or things.
  • noun An extended, usually showy succession.
  • noun An ostentatious show; an exhibition.
  • noun A public square or promenade.
  • intransitive verb To take part in a parade; march in a public procession.
  • intransitive verb To assemble for a ceremonial military review or other exercise.
  • intransitive verb To stroll in public, especially so as to be seen; promenade.
  • intransitive verb To behave so as to attract attention; show off.
  • intransitive verb To cause to take part in a parade.
  • intransitive verb To assemble (troops) for a ceremonial review.
  • intransitive verb To march or walk through or around.
  • intransitive verb To exhibit ostentatiously; flaunt: synonym: show.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • To marshal and array in military order: as, the troops were paraded at the usual hour.
  • To march up and down upon: as, to parade the veranda of a hotel.
  • To exhibit or manifest in an ostentatious manner; make a parade or display of.
  • Synonyms To display, flaunt, show off.
  • To assemble and be marshaled in military order; march in military procession.
  • To march up and down or promenade in a public place for the purpose of showing one's self.
  • noun Show; display; ostentation.
  • noun That which is displayed or arranged for display; a show; a procession; hence, any ordered and stately exhibition of skill, as a military review or a tournament.
  • noun Specifically, military display; the orderly assembly and procession of troops for review or inspection.
  • noun The place where such assembly or review is held, or the space allotted to it.
  • noun The level plain forming the interior or inclosed area of a fortification, corresponding to the courtyard of a castle.
  • noun A public walk, as on an avenue or esplanade; a public promenade: as, the marine parade at Brighton, England.
  • noun In fencing, the act of parrying; avoidance of a thrust by slight movements of the hand and wrist, which place the strong part of the blade above the guard in opposition to the weak part of the opponent's blade nearer the tip, thus deflecting his sword-point so that it passes the body without touching: a French term, used in English for parry.
  • noun Hence A posture of preparedness to meet attack or parry thrusts; a posture of defense; guard.
  • noun 2 and Pageant, spectacle.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • intransitive verb To make an exhibition or spectacle of one's self, as by walking in a public place.
  • intransitive verb To assemble in military order for evolutions and inspection; to form or march, as in review or in a public celebratory parade{3}.
  • transitive verb To exhibit in a showy or ostentatious manner; to show off.
  • transitive verb To assemble and form; to marshal; to cause to maneuver or march ceremoniously.
  • noun The ground where a military display is held, or where troops are drilled. Also called parade ground.
  • noun (Mil.) An assembly and orderly arrangement or display of troops, in full equipments, for inspection or evolutions before some superior officer; a review of troops. Parades are general, regimental, or private (troop, battery, or company), according to the force assembled.
  • noun Any imposing procession; the movement of any group of people marshaled in military order, especially a festive public procession, which may include a marching band, persons in varied costume, vehicles with elaborate displays, and other forms of entertainment, held in commemoration or celebration of an event or in honor of a person or persons.
  • noun A pompous show; a formal or ostentatious display or exhibition.
  • noun A Gallicism. Posture of defense; guard.
  • noun A public walk; a promenade.
  • noun See under Dress, and Undress.
  • noun a position of rest for soldiers, in which, however, they are required to be silent and motionless.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun An organized procession consisting of a series of consecutive displays, performances, exhibits, etc. displayed by moving down a street past a crowd.
  • noun Any succession, series, or display of items.
  • noun A line of goslings led by one parent and often trailed by the other.


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Probably French, action of stopping a horse, from Old Spanish parada, from Vulgar Latin *parāta, from feminine past participle of Latin parāre, to prepare; see perə- in Indo-European roots.]

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From French parade ("show, display, parade, parry, formerly also a halt on horseback"), from Spanish parada ("a halt, stop, pause, a parade"), from parar ("to halt, stop, get ready, prepare"), from Latin parare ("to prepare, in Medieval Latin and Rom. also to halt, stop, prevent, guard against, etc., also dress, trim, adorn"); see pare. Compare parry, a doublet of parade.


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