
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun A series of objects placed next to each other, usually in a straight line.
  • noun A succession without a break or gap in time.
  • noun A line of adjacent seats, as in a theater, auditorium, or classroom.
  • noun A continuous line of buildings along a street.
  • transitive verb To place in a row.
  • idiom (a tough row to hoe) A difficult situation to endure.
  • intransitive verb To propel a boat with oars.
  • intransitive verb To propel (a boat) with oars.
  • intransitive verb To carry in or on a boat propelled by oars.
  • intransitive verb To use (a specified number of oars or people deploying them).
  • intransitive verb To propel or convey in a manner resembling rowing of a boat.
  • intransitive verb To pull (an oar) as part of a racing crew.
  • intransitive verb To race against by rowing.
  • noun The act or an instance of rowing.
  • noun A shift at the oars of a boat.
  • noun A trip or an excursion in a rowboat.
  • noun A noisy or quarrel or disturbance.
  • noun A loud noise.
  • intransitive verb To take part in a noisy quarrel or disturbance.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun An act of rowing; also, an excursion taken in a rowboat.
  • To impel (a boat) along the surface of water by means of oars.
  • To transport by rowing: as, to row one across a stream.
  • To labor with the oar; use oars in propelling a boat through the water; be transported in a boat propelled by oars.
  • To be moved by means of oars: as, the boat rows easily.
  • To go through the motions of rowing in a boat swung at the davits of a ship, as a sailor in punishment for some offense connected with boats or rowing. The forced exercise is called a dry row. [Colloq. in both uses.]
  • noun A series of things in a line, especially a straight line; a ra˙nk; a file: as, a row of houses or of trees; rows of benches or of figures; the people stood in rows; to plant corn in rows.
  • noun . A line of writing.
  • noun . A streak, as of blood. Compare rowy.
  • noun A hedge.
  • noun A continuous course or extent; a long passage.
  • noun A line of houses in a town, standing contiguously or near together; especially, such a line of houses nearly or quite alike, or forming an architectural whole: sometimes used as part of the name of a short street, or section of a street, from one corner to the next.
  • noun In organ-building, same as bank, 7, or keyboard.
  • To injure by rough and wild treatment: as, to row a college room (that is, to damage the furniture in wild behavior).
  • To scold; abuse; upbraid roughly or noisily.
  • To behave in a wild and riotous way; engage in a noisy dispute, affray, or the like.
  • An obsolete or dialectal form of rough.
  • noun A noisy disturbance; a riot; a contest; a riotous noise or outbreak; any disorderly or disturbing affray, brawl. hubbub. or clatter: a colloquial word of wide application.
  • noun Synonyms Uproar, tumult, commotion, broil, affray.
  • To arrange in a line; set or stud with a number of things ranged in a row or line.
  • A Scotch form of roll.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun The act of rowing; excursion in a rowboat.
  • noun colloq. A noisy, turbulent quarrel or disturbance; a brawl.
  • transitive verb To propel with oars, as a boat or vessel, along the surface of water.
  • transitive verb To transport in a boat propelled with oars.
  • obsolete Rough; stern; angry.
  • noun A series of persons or things arranged in a continued line; a line; a rank; a file.
  • noun (Agric.) the practice of cultivating crops in drills.


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Middle English, from Old English rāw.]

from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Middle English rowen, from Old English rōwan; see erə- in Indo-European roots.]

from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Origin unknown.]

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Unclear; some suggest it is a back-formation from rouse, verb.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Old English rāw. Cognate with Dutch rij and German Reihe ("row").

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Middle English rowen ("to row"), from Old English rōwan ("to row"), from Proto-Germanic *rōanan (“to row”), from Proto-Indo-European *ere-, *rē- (“to row”). More at rudder.


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  • At least ANZ will “block out” the center seat on that row for less than full price if you buy the other two seats in the row…

    Can A Large Person Fly Comfortably Anywhere? - The Consumerist 2010

  • Proceed to deal out a second row of ten cards underneath the first, playing suitable ones as before, playing _also from the upper row_, and refilling spaces subject to Rule III.

    Lady Cadogan's Illustrated Games of Solitaire or Patience New Revised Edition, including American Games Adelaide Cadogan

  • "SELECT fat_id, crn, sum (adet) as ad, sum (line_net) as ln, sum (line_vat) as lv, sum (line_grand) as lg FROM inv_lines where fat_id = '$row - id' group by fat_id" So, I would like mysql to check each row as summing and if the crn field is "EURO" then the respective field value for line_net should be multiplied by a given constant value 2010

  • "SELECT fat_id, crn, sum (adet) as ad, sum (line_net) as ln, sum (line_vat) as lv, sum (line_grand) as lg FROM inv_lines where fat_id = '$row - id' group by fat_id" So, I would like mysql to check each row as summing and if the crn field is "EURO" then the respective field value for line_net should be multiplied by a given constant value 2010

  • "SELECT fat_id, crn, sum (adet) as ad, sum (line_net) as ln, sum (line_vat) as lv, sum (line_grand) as lg FROM inv_lines where fat_id = '$row - id' group by fat_id" So, I would like mysql to check each row as summing and if the crn field is "EURO" then the respective field value for line_net should be multiplied by a given constant value 2010

  • "SELECT fat_id, crn, sum (adet) as ad, sum (line_net) as ln, sum (line_vat) as lv, sum (line_grand) as lg FROM inv_lines where fat_id = '$row - id' group by fat_id" So, I would like mysql to check each row as summing and if the crn field is "EURO" then the respective field value for line_net should be multiplied by a given constant value 2010

  • 'S_FORUM_THANKS' = > ($auth - > acl_get ( 'f_thanks', $forum_id))? true: false, output_thanks ($row [ 'user_id']); if (isset ($cp_row [ 'row']) & & sizeof ($cp_row [ 'row'])) $postrow = array_merge ($postrow, $cp_row [ 'row']); 2010

  • 'S_FORUM_THANKS' = > ($auth - > acl_get ( 'f_thanks', $forum_id))? true: false, output_thanks ($row [ 'user_id']); if (isset ($cp_row [ 'row']) & & sizeof ($cp_row [ 'row'])) $postrow = array_merge ($postrow, $cp_row [ 'row']); 2010

  • 'S_FORUM_THANKS' = > ($auth - > acl_get ( 'f_thanks', $forum_id))? true: false, output_thanks ($row [ 'user_id']); if (isset ($cp_row [ 'row']) & & sizeof ($cp_row [ 'row'])) $postrow = array_merge ($postrow, $cp_row [ 'row']); Schyler 2010

  • * @return string A pipe delimited version of the row function compress_row ($row) return gzcompress (implode ( '|', $row), 9);

    vBulletin Community Forum parafieldtower 2010


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  • Contronymic in the sense: order vs. disorder.

    January 26, 2007

  • Oar a punt; much ado.

    November 22, 2007

  • To take part in a quarrel, brawl, or uproar

    August 31, 2013